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As we become serious followers of Christ, we want to live loving, joyful lives. How can we put on the gentle garments of grace when we’re so busy battling our old behavior patterns?

This year, our fellowship is studying the book “The Fruitful Life: The Overflow of God’s Love Through You” by Jerry Bridges where we will explore the nine aspects of the “fruit of the Spirit” described in Galatians 5:22-23.

Using this book as topics for discussion, we will dive back into the Bible, equip each other with biblical truth, encourage each other with our sharing, and care for each other with our prayer.

We strive to build up each other with the Word of God, experience God’s grace together, spread this joy of salvation and live out the Word.


每月第三個星期六上午十時至下午十二時在 800 Jefferson road

